Ed's Special Blog

I'm a Senior at Wilbur Cross in New Haven, CT. I can't wait to get out either. Most of the stuff I say is pointless but it's fun to write anyway so let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Ken Yehi Ratzon

At your ten year high school reunion... by robbiewriter
Your school name
Your name
Your job will beCult Leader
You will be worth$993,714
Everyone will think youare really hot
Quiz created with MemeGen!


  • At 12:35 AM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said…


  • At 10:56 AM, Blogger Hinda said…

    Your school name: Sharon Chabad High School
    Your name: Hinda
    Your job will be: Corrupt Politician
    You will be worth: $638,716
    Everyone will think you: gained 50 lbs

    Thanks a lot. That's just what I needed right now. :P

  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger Hinda said…

    Just by the way, even if I type in the same information again, it comes up with different stuff. Not that I sat here and did it a bunch of times...I DIDN'T


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